Turtle's Expedition: Rescribbled Chapter 27: Genesis of A New Era



It was a troublesome day at Planet Perdiah. Ever since Cloe left Sarpo all by himself in that room, she’s been feeling sick all over. She knew this was the right thing to do but her stomach couldn’t handle all the pressure. Not to mention, being watched by other crystal knights 24/7 wasn’t exactly ideal as well. 



-but then I asked her “Hey, why did the chicken cross the road?” 



* Sigh * 

Let me guess. 

She guessed correctly? 



(confused) H-How did you know? 



Dude, you have been telling the exact same joke since we became crystal knights. 

It got old. 



Gah, this is why I didn’t want you as my partner! 

I kindly asked the queen to reconsider but nooo! 




Um, excuse me? 



Oh, what’s up, Ms. Meow? 

Sorry for that earlier. 



Well, it’s alright... I think. 

Where are we going exactly? 



Well, whenever we have a recruit, the queen tells us to bring them over to the cafeteria. 



Yeah, that way new recruits can befriend each other without any interruptions. 

Besides a few instances, of course. 



Hm... thanks for the info. 


The three continued walking down the halls until they arrived at the cafeteria. Cloe was both shocked and scared of what she was looking at. There were so many crystal knights walking around the place, more than she could have possibly imagined. “We have to stop this menace before she crystallizes everyone!” she thought to herself. Despite that, however, the cafeteria didn’t look half bad. The crystal knights there also seemed pretty chill with each other. 



Here we are! 




If you have any issues with the place, you can tell them to the veteran crystal knight on watch! 



Okay, enough talk. 

Let’s go back to guarding Sarpo. 




Good luck, Ms. Meow! 



T-thank you! 

But who’s the- 


Before she could finish her sentence, Cloe notices the crystal knight they were talking about. The white hat, the green scarf, the fishing rod... it was Bushra, standing idly for who knows how long. Cloe couldn’t believe her eyes. She looked around to make sure no one was suspicious of her and rushed towards Bushra. She was happy to see a familiar face around these parts. 



Sorry, you can’t leave here for now- 


Bushra’s eyes widen. 



Ms. Kitty Cat is that you?! 




It’s me, Bushra! 


Bushra reaches for a hug and Cloe hugs him back. 



I can’t believe you are here! 

* Quickly looks around * 

G and the others are here too?! 



...No, thankfully. 






* panics * 

I-I meant “sadly”. 

Sorry, hehe. 


Cloe could tell Bushra was getting suspicious of her. Cloe nervously smiled at him, but she could tell he was thinking of something in his head. Was this really the end? But then, Bushra smiled back at her and laughed. 




Oh man! 

You really gotta be careful with your words in this place! 

* whispers * 

I accidentally said, “Darn you, Maizie!” one time after losing a game of chess and got beaten to a pulp!  




* Fake laughs * 

If you say so, Bushra. 





Cloe notices him looking upset. 



I wish G and the others were here too. 

This place isn’t so bad, right? 






* Looks over her shoulder * 

Yo Terry, can you take over watch duty for a bit? 

I just met back with one of my old friends! 





Oh, sure thing. 

Be back by 6pm though. 



Thanks dude, you are the best. 


Bushra looks back at Cloe. 



Well then, Ms. Kitty Cat! 


“We have a lot to catch up on!” 



Meanwhile, outside the Crystal Kingdom, two people were running away from a group of crystal knights. The two were trying their hardest to not get hit by their lasers as well as trying to protect a gemstone they just discovered. 



* Holding his headphones * 

You said there weren’t any crystal knights in this place! 



Oh, give me a break! 

They obviously bumped into us by accident! 


A laser almost hits Hood’s arm as she shakes in fear. 





OH !?#%! 




Hey, you can’t say that! 





G tries blocking a laser with his hammer but quickly remembers that he couldn’t use it anymore before it was too late. 



Are we there yet? 


No response from Hood. 



Uh... Hood? 


Hood was focused on a spot on the ground filled with leaves. G realized what she was trying to do. 



Almost… NOW! 


Hood pushes G and herself to their left as the crystal knights all fell into the hole, disguised with leaves, in front of them. Their trap worked! 



Holy crap, it worked! 




* Shows off * 

You can thank lilol’ me for that! 



(annoyed) It was partially Artender’s idea too, you know? 



Yes, but I’m the brains of this operation! 



(annoyed) Whatever. 

* Looks back at the gemstone they were carrying * 

Man, I’m glad nothing bad happened to this thing. 



Yea, that would have been a disaster otherwise. 


G slowly walks towards the hole looks at the trapped crystal knights below. 



Pumpkin, what are you doing? 


G ignores her and tries to talk with the crystal knights. 



H-hello there everyone! 

Please remain calm- 


Suddenly all of them started shooting their crystal beams towards G and he quickly backs away. 



Nice going, smarty pants. 

What were you trying to do?! 



I-I was just going to tell them we weren’t going to leave them here by themselves! 

We can supply them with food until we can get them to normal! 


A blue logo with black background

Description automatically generated 

We don’t need your dumb food, we only serve our beloved queen! 


All crystal knights shouted “YES!” in unison.  



Well, pumpkin. 

We tried your way. 

* Pushes G away from the hole and looks at the crystal knights * 

Screw you losers too! 

Have fun rotting there! 



G was obviously hurt by their response but teaming up with Hood was somehow worse for him. 



Why did you do that for?! 

These are all still innocent people! 



Innocent or not, they all still want us dead. 

Or worse, become like them. 

* Looks at the gemstone in awe * 

So quit your yapping and follow me! 

I can’t wait to see Artender’s face when we get back to the base. 

“Oh geez, Hood. It’s too dangerous to go out there.” 

Well, look at us now! 


Hood looked over to G to see his reaction, but he was still as monotone as ever. 



Yo, yo, pumpkin. 




Oh, uhh... nothing much. 

I just want to get back to the base already. 



(sarcasm) Well I do too, it’s OBVIOUSLY very dangerous out here! 



Ugh, knock it off. 



It’s so funny how much of a pushover these new knights are. 

How did your friend even get crystallized by these morons? 




Shut it. 




* Chuckles * 

Ooh, did I hit a nerve?! 



I do not want to talk. 



Alright then, pumpkin. 

Your call. 


The two continued walking in the woods for a few more minutes until they spotted a tree stump. And right next to it, there was a familiar face waiting for them. 





Hi, Artender! 

We are back! 



Hi, G! 

Oh, thank goodness you guys are safe! 

Did you find the gem you were looking for? 




* Pushes G to the side * 

As a matter of fact, we did! 



* Sigh * 

Hi to you as well, Hood. 



How are the kids by the way? 



Emily is sleeping now while Teo is just hanging around but rest assured, they are both okay. 



So, she won't be able to watch us put this thing to use? 

That's a darn shame. 





Well... Emily can just enjoy the result instead. 

(Besides, her well-being doesnt concern you.) 



What was that? 





Artender opens the stump like a hatch and reveals a slide underneath. 


See you two on the other side. 


The two watch as Artender jumps onto the slide and disappears into pure darkness. 



Oh man, this is my favourite part! 



Really now? 

I never saw the appeal of it, it’s impractical too. 



Oh, don’t ruin this too! 



Alright, alright, fine. 

I will get on your stupid slide. 


The two jumped inside the passage and slid all the way down to their newest base. Even though G suggested building a base underground, he still had claustrophobia from way back when. But he wanted his friends (and frenemy) to be safe from the Crystal Queen. Thankfully the place they built wasn’t as claustrophobic as he imagined. After they finally landed on their feet, G looked 

around their new base of operations. It hasnt been long since they started living here but they made the most of it, given their limited resources. But with this gemstone now on their fingertips, they could move on to the next step of their plan. 




Now that you guys are here 

* Reaches out his hand * 

Give me the gemstone, Hood. 



Why can't I hold it 'till you pumpkins get that machine set up? 



Because I said so. 





Hood reluctantly gives Artender the gemstone. 



Fine, here's your stupid stone thing. 



* Takes the gemstone * 

Alright, good. 

Now, I will put this thing to its rightful place with G. 



Well, what about me, pumpkin?! 



I-I don't know. 

* Quickly looks around and notices PotaTeo eating stuff in the kitchen * 

You can hang out with Teo for a bit. 




* Chuckles * 

You can’t be serious! 


Hood notices Artender not laughing back. 



Wait, you serious? 



Do I look like I am not? 



* Shrugs * 

Alright, pumpkin. 

Your call. 




* Fake coughs * 

Anyway, let’s go G. 



Right behind you, dude! 


Artender grabs one of the torches put on the walls and starts talking business. 



G... What exactly happened on the mission? 



Well, we argued a bit until we came across the gem. 

We quickly got out of the cave but accidentally bumped into Crystal knights. 



Where are those Crystal Knights now? 



Fell into one of the traps you and Hood setup. 

I told them we would still give them food... even though we are in a dire situation. 






Well, you still did the right thing so I can't complain that much. 

* Quickly looks around to see if anyone else was around * 

Do you trust Hood? 



Not at all. 

She's as shady as they get! 



Glad we are on the same page. 

I don't trust her one bit either, but we are unfortunately stuck with her for the time being. 


For goodness’ sake, she wanted to name our group " The Vengeful Rubies"! 



To be frank, I don't mind the name all that much. 

It's at least better than something like "MPC3". 



* Dramatically gasps * 

Put some respect on Sarpo's name! 



* chuckles * 

Relax G, I'm exaggerating. 

Sarpo’s a cool dude and all that but he absolutely sucks at naming things. 



Yeah, yeah, I’m aware... 

* Quickly shakes his head * 

But yeah, about Hood. 

We need to get info from her about the crystallizer too. 

And the Crystal Queen in general. 



It seems like we need to play the long game with her unfortunately. 

She didn't say a single thing about Maizie or what her deal was in the entire time we kept her prisoner. 


...Good point. 



Plus, we still need to decide on who will be on guard duty for the rest of the day. 

It’s unguarded now and I’m not going to risk anything. 


Before G could respond, he noticed that they were already at their destination. The power supply! They found it in one of their recent travels. They found lightbulbs as well, but they couldn't power them up for obvious reasons. Still, they put the lightbulbs on the cave ceilings just in case a day like this would come. With this gemstone, they had a shot at living like normal people... as normal as they could live with the ongoing events, at the very least. 






And we are here! 


Artender gently puts the gemstone in its power module and just as he fully tucks it in, all lightbulbs in the ceiling start lighting up. They finally had functioning lights! 




It works! 



It sure does, alright! 

* Takes a deep breath * 

Man, I missed this. 

I forgot how to live like a normal person almost! 

Before G could crack a joke about Artender, the two overhear the sounds of glass breaking. The two quickly rush back to the entrance of their base and see Hood and PotaTeo trying to clean up a mess they made in the kitchen. 



Sigh, why am I not surprised? 

My troublemaker son and our old enemy not getting along. 



Oh, don't give me that! 

I wanted to use the blender, but he threw a pot at me! 


Artender looks at PotaTeo with judgemental eyes. 



Is it true, Teo? 



* Nervously nods* 



Sigh, alright. 

* Points towards the ladder leading to the exit * 

You two are going to guard the entrance for a few hours. 



What?! I'm going to be with the potato?! 



PotaTeo flang his arms around like a kid having a temper tantrum. G thought he radiated "Come on, are you serious dad?!" Energy. 



Yes, you heard me. 

Now, get to it. 

I don’t want either of you slacking off. 


G and Artender both could hear Hood mumbling to herself as she and PotaTeo started climbing up. 



You sure this is a good idea? 




Yeah? Why wouldnt it be? 



Well, you don’t want Emily to be with Hood So I figured you wouldnt want Teo to be with her as well. 

Who knows what she could do to him?! 



Oh, that. I'm sure Teo can handle himself if Hood tries something funny. 

My boy survived in the Nor Plane while dealing with her. 



But she had one of those red rings back then! 

What if she does something with those again?! 



I highly doubt it. 

We destroyed all the ones we had after Hood pulled that little stunt. 



I... see. 

Though even so, back then there was... there was... 



(Oh no...) 



-Bushra with them. 






If I had my powers, I could have saved him, Artender! 


Artender knew he had to change the topic, but he didn’t know how. 



H-hey, buddy! 



(almost about to cry) What?! 



We will rescue him soon, don't worry. 



* Sniffs * 

Y-you really think so. 



Yeah! Besides, we are one step closer to taking back our world! 



Yeah, I guess you are right... 


G wipes off his tears and looks back at Artender. 



Thanks for the help, dude. 



It was my pleasure. 



Say though, I’m surprised how well you were able to take control of the whole situation back there. 




* Chuckles * 

Well, let’s just say “parenting” was a big factor in all of this. 



I don’t think I get what you are trying to say. 



* Smiles * 

That’s fine. 

Artender starts thinking about that word again. “Parenting”. He felt like he was forgetting about something... or someone. 



Oh shoot! 



What is it, Artender? 



I forgot to check up on my daughter. 

Can you wait here for a few seconds? 



Oh, sure. 

Take your time. 



Thank you. 


Artender quickly rushes to the room in the cave fully dedicated to his kids. He quietly knocked on the door and entered the room. Emily was still tucked in her bed, sleeping through their hard times. Artender hoped she would have a bright future ahead of her despite the all the problems they were facing. He sat on her bed and kissed her on the forehead. Before he was about to leave, he felt someone gripping his hand. It was a half-awake Emily. 


A banana in a bag

Description automatically generated 




Yes, sweetie? 

A banana in a bag

Description automatically generated 

I’m... I’m scared. 



Oh, don’t worry little one. 

We are safe from the mean crystal people in here. 


A banana in a bag

Description automatically generated 

No... it’s not them... 





A banana in a bag

Description automatically generated 

It’s Ms. Hood. 

She’s such a meanie! 



I’m... aware, Emily. 

But we need her if we want to go back to how things used to be. 


A banana in a bag

Description automatically generated 

I understand... 

* yawns * 

I am ‘eepy again... 



* Pats her on the head * 

Goodnight again, Emily. 

A banana in a bag

Description automatically generated 

Goodnight dad. 


Artender got up and slowly closed the door. Since they escaped from Diamond City, Artender noticed something was off with her. She seemed to know both Maizie and Hood despite her files. When he adopted Emily, he investigated her files but saw nothing suspicious in them. While previous hoodsters were logged under the same umbrella, Emily’s status was uncertain. He did not want to believe his daughter could have possibly joined with the hoodsters while they were determined to take them down. He wanted to believe she heard stories about the two from the time she was an orphan living by herself in Diamond City. He shook his head soon after. He had to stay focused on planning first. This could change their fates forever, so he had to be extra focused. 



Sorry, I am back. 

Took longer than I expected. 



It’s fine, Artender. 

Sit down. 



Alright then. 



Artender turns around and quickly picks up Perdiah's map. It was planning time! 




Can you give me a quick rundown again? 



Of what? 



Of the plan. 



Oh, alright. 

First, we will continue going on small scouting missions to find unaffected people and bring them to safety aka here! 



Do we have enough room for everybody? 



Not currently but with more manpower, I'm sure we can make room for more people! 

Heck, we might even find some outside help along the way! 

Like Array! 


G felt sick in the stomach after hearing his name. Everything was moving so fast that he almost forgot about his friend’s whereabouts. They had to find him before it was too late. 



We will interrogate Hood and learn everything about the crystallizer Technology and Maizie herself. 

And after we have enough people, we can try to reach the temples all around Perdiah to wish Upon something that can finally end this nightmare once and for all! 



And save Bushra, right?! 



Yes, that too! 




You really did think everything through, huh? 



I sure did! At least, I hope I did... 

There are of course some factors that could ruin our plans, but I like to not think about those... At least for now. 



Like what? 


"Like what Maizie plans on doing to us..." 



Then I told Lydia that she was pretty, and she believed it! 

I got off from that night’s truth or dare challenge cuz of her! 

Isn’t that so funny?! 



* Fake laughs * 

Hehe, yeah... 



What about you, Kitty Cat? 

Surely, you have some fun stories to tell as well! 




* Scratches her head *  

I don’t really have one. 



Huh, that’s odd. 

I know you probably didn’t get here in the best of terms but trust me, this place is awesome. 



Hm... Bushra, can I ask you something if you don’t mind? 



Oh, sure. 

Go for it. 



Well, can we leave the castle at any given point? 



Oh yeah! 

The queen mostly has the kids and the ones who can’t fight for themselves to stay outside the castle. 

The others all have designated rooms, like us two! 




* Coughs * 

Another question, do you miss the time before you were... crystallized? 



* Puts his hand on his chin * 

Hm... I think I do. 

Sure, having fun with G and beating up bad guys was fun, but this place is so much better! 

I just wish our other friends were here too. 


So, a part of the real Bushra is still within him, Cloe thought to herself. She just had to tap into it more. 



Well, this was a nice talk, Bushra. 

Now I must go and do... Crystal knight stuff 

* Stands up * 

I hope our other friends will also join us soon. 



I hope so too! 

Take care, Kitty Cat! 



...You too, Bushra. 


Bushra also stands up and yells at Terry. 







Oug, finally! 

* Walks towards Bushra * 

What did your cat friend say? 



Oh well, it’s the usual Kitty Cat stuff. 

She was feeling a bit down I think so I made her feel better. 

She’s struggling to being a Crystal knight, so I totally get it. 




* Watching Cloe as she exits the cafeteria * 

I hope you are right about that. 

Something feels off about her. 




What do you mean? 


Before Terry could respond, they saw Lydia entering the cafeteria while waving at the two. 



Hi guys! 

Any news from Clara? 



Not yet. Hi Lydia! 

I will have to cut this short cuz I'm on a shift right now. 




Alright then. Goodbye, Bushra! 

* Looks over to Terry * 

Hi, big guy! 

What’s up? 



Hi to you too, Lydia. 



I’m doing fine, thanks for asking. 


* Looks around * 

Say, what do you think Clara’s up to? 



Beats me. 

The boss has been feeling down since the queen talked down to her. 



The poor girl. 

I can’t imagine being in her place. 



Yeah, cuz you would definitely cry if that happened to you instead. 



* Blushes from embarrassment * 




* Feels a bit bad * 

Well... we can look for the boss together if you are feeling up to it. 



S- sure! 



My guess is that she’s probably training by herself somewhere to prove she’s “worthy” or whatever. 




A likely theory. 

* Grabs his arm *  

Come on, let’s go! 


Lead the way, big guy! 



This sucks. 


PotaTeo, for the first time, gave her a thumbs up. He was getting sick of waiting around a stump with someone he didn’t trust, no less. 



If only we could do something to pass the time... 


Hood looked around and saw G’s old house. PotaTeo saw her Hood looking at the house and shook his head in disapproval. 



Ugh, why not?! 

We are still gonna guard the stupid stump anyway. 


PotaTeo looked back at the stump and finally gave in to his curiosity. Despite being with the team for so long, he never got around to spending time in Town Mercia. At least, what remained of it. PotaTeo reluctantly gave her another thumbs up. 




Glad you came around, potato pumpkin. 


Hood picked PotaTeo up and the two entered the broken-down house. On the surface, it didn’t seem too bad. But the more they explored, the more the cracks started to show their face. 



Eugh, this place smells awful! 


Hood looks around and sees a broken pipe lying around on the ground. Almost like it was used for some sort of fight. 



Yeah, I don’t think I want to stay here for much longer. 


The two left the house as quick as they entered it in the first place. 



Can’t believe the green pumpkin left this place like this! 

Such carelessness, such awfulness! 


Hood looked over to PotaTeo for his opinions, but he was too busy drawing something on the mud with a stick. He was drawing his family as stick figures. 



Ooh so that’s how you can communicate with others, eh? 

And I thought your existence was worthless! 


PotaTeo didn’t want to pay attention to her and continued drawing. 



I’m sure Artender only keeps you around because of pity! 

Because why pretend to be their son in the first place? 

You are a potato for Perdiah’s sake, you don’t have feelings! 


PotaTeo was still ignoring her, and it was starting to get on Hood’s nerves. 



Hey, potato! 

I’m talking to you! 


PotaTeo looked at Hood and pointed at the mud.  




Are you gonna show me your terrible drawing skills? 


PotaTeo rolled his eyes and pointed at the mud yet again. Right next to the Tender family drawing, there was a text saying “You suck!”. 



Oh, you little- 

* Grabs PotaTeo * 

I’m gonna- 


Before the two were about to fight, they heard sounds of a wood cracking. The two readied themselves for a fight. Even though they hated each other’s guts, taking care of intruders was priority one. But a small frog jumped out of the bushes instead. 



What the- 


PotaTeo was overjoyed and went to pet the creature while Hood just wanted it dead. Hood sighed in relief, at least they didn’t have to fight anyone besides themselves- 





Before Hood could process what was going on, a potion hit PotaTeo and stunned him in place. Hood was frightened for once.  



I got him, boss! 

I got him! 



Awesome job, Joyce. 


The Rascals jump out of the woods and greet their old boss. 



Hi there, Hood. 

How are things going? 


Hood quickly looked over to PotaTeo. He was still stunned in place. She had to stall for time before she could make her next move. 


Do not even think of running away from us! 

You are surrounded. 

* Points at PotaTeo * 

We will kill your little associate if you try anything funny. 


Hood had to play along with him to get more time. 



Oh, him?  

Pfft...Who cares, I still have the little girl to use as bargain. 


PotaTeo was quite saddened by her words despite still being stunned. 



* chuckles * 

I never imagined this day would come. 

To think we served you for all those years... only for you to be destroyed by the very people you once commanded. 



Quit the big talk, eye patch pumpkin! 



I- you don’t even know my name?! 




Please calm down! 



Shut up, Murray. 



Yeah, shut up you bald freak, you don’t get to talk to him that way! 


Murray slowly backed away with sadness in his eyes. Marigold couldn’t help but feel bad for him. 



So... you didn’t have the decency to remember our names?! 



Sorry tough guy but nah. 

Too many hoodsters means I can’t possibly remember all your names. 



Oh, but I assure you. 

* Points his crossbow towards Hood * 

You won’t be remembered after this either. 


Meanwhile, Marigold was confused. Who was this lady and what even were “hoodsters”? She had to play along with the other two to find out. 




Listen to the boss, you jerk! 

We are gonna steal from you and... stuff! 


Everyone, including Hood, was confused. Hood remembered this girl being a lot tougher back then. She wondered what caused her to be this way. 





Now now, let’s all be rational here! 

* Raises her hands * 

See, I don’t want to hurt you. 



Oh, that’s a shame. 

* Readies his crossbow * 

Because I DO want to hurt you. 


Hood slowly walked towards the Rascals with her hands in the air but before they could do anything, Hood takes some mud from the ground and throws it at Markus’ face. 




* Trying to clean his face * 

Joyce, stun her! 


Before Joyce could also stun her, Hood picked up PotaTeo and got to the slide. She needed help from the other two to defeat these morons. It was their only chance. She didn’t even have time to think how nasty her hand was after touching the mud. 



Did you hear that? 




Y- yeah! 

I hope those two aren’t fighting! 


The two ran towards the ladder but instead saw a tired looking Hood get off the slide with PotaTeo in her hands. 




What happened? 



It’s the- 

* coughs * 

It’s the Rascallions! 



The what now? 



The eyepatch guy, the bald one and orange lady! 



Wait, you don’t mean- 


Before Artender could finish his sentence, the three were blown away by an explosion. When the dust settled, they saw the slide being destroyed and in the middle of it, there were 3 familiar figures G did not want to face ever again. 



Hey G, missed us? 






(Art by @Sonic32Super)

(Art by YinYangRetro)

(Art by @fangnull)


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